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Calling the number of connected TV viewers small, but growing at a "meteoric" rate, Richard Cooper, BBC数字发行和运营总监, 分享了发布近4年的iPlayer的增长数据 2011 Content Delivery Summit in London.

iPlayer的用户主要是台式机和笔记本电脑, Cooper said, 游戏主机和移动设备的用户很少. 联网电视的使用量也很小,但增长速度特别快.

直播视频只占iPlayer流量的15%, 它以重大体育和世界新闻事件为标志. The previous Olympics, Wimbledon, FIFA World Cup, Arab Spring, 海啸引发的洪水都导致了用电高峰.

库珀说,BBC总是依赖不止一个CDN(内容分发网络). CDNs have their "bad days," he said, so the BBC uses at least two at any one time, and currently has four in place, including its own.

iPlayer面临的其他挑战还包括确保向各种设备传输内容的权利, supporting multiple formats, and providing a smooth end-user experience. BBC经常测量球员的“心跳”, to get a continuous view of network conditions, 这些数据流需要不断的分析. Eliminating buffering is essential, he said, 如果观众看到两个缓冲中断,他们就会离开.

通过对这些数据的监测,BBC发现有线和DSL的连接速度越来越快. 虽然一些观众几乎无法观看该网站的1.当iPlayer推出时,5MB的连接,许多人现在可以流3.2MB high-definition stream.

Cooper强调了iPlayer即将面临的挑战, 包括从基于http的格式向HLS的转换, HDS, and MPEG-DASH; serving to more home viewers; streaming more HD content; and tackling the 2012 London Olympics.

The iPlayer was born on Christmas Day, 2007, Cooper said, 对于必须实现它的IT人员来说,这不是一个受欢迎的选择. 从那以后,它一直在发展,现在提供了其他美国节目的链接.K. networks. “如果你进来,输入‘加冕街’,' we'll take you to ‘Coronation Street,'" Cooper said. “Top Gear”、“Doctor Who”、“Torchwood”和“Eastenders”都是很受欢迎的iPlayer节目.

iPlayer在8月份提供了9100万个视频请求, 2011, Cooper said, and 40 million radio requests. 录制的视频比现场直播更受欢迎,而现场广播比录制的更受欢迎. 广播听众收听节目的时间是视频观众的两倍. The player averages 4.每天200万请求,每周700万独立用户. 高峰观看时间是在傍晚,大约在广播电视高峰观看时间之后的一个小时.

iPlayer最近推出了PlayStation版本, 库珀认为这比他的团队预期的更具挑战性, but doesn't yet have an iOS app.


对迈克尔·桑德比克勒来说,流量在增长,成本在下降, head of technology for Germany's ProSieben Sat 1, who took the day's second keynote address. 2008年,ProSieben在一种设备上以一种分辨率和一种格式进行流媒体, it now streams to many, including iOS and Android devices. Even though traffic has exploded, 他的公司放弃了高价的流媒体合同,转而选择了价格便宜得多的流媒体合同,从而成功削减了97%的流量成本.

保存旧材料一直是ProSieben的难题, however, as its archives have grown by 5,000 percent. 该频道的直播时间从每年10小时增长到每年1000小时. While he would love to stream more live content, getting the rights is a challenge, 而且,为在线观众切换到不同的广告集是一个耗时的手动过程.

桑德比克勒说,2008年,视频流媒体还处于起步阶段. Now, it's a teenager - growing every day, changing its appearance often, and becoming demanding and expensive. 他指出,传统广播公司正逐渐意识到他们面临的日益严重的威胁.


To view the entire session, scroll down: 

BBC iPlayer -因为我们独特的融资方式

Richard Cooper, Controller Digital Distribution & Operations, BBC



Michael Sandbichler, Head of Technology, Prosieben Sat 1 Digital
为了继续了解欧洲CDN市场中内容提供商的情况,我们探讨了Prosieben面临的挑战. 我们着眼于这家公司所面临的具体问题,并探讨cdn如何帮助他们.

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