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OTT in Latin America: Differentiation Is the Main Challenge

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One panel at the recent 流媒体 East conference in New York City described the streaming market for all points south. While conference attendees were largely familiar with the streaming market in the U.S. and Canada, session moderator 史蒂夫·西蒙兹, managing director and partner at 西蒙兹的同事, let them know that much is different in Latin American countries.

"You're not in Kansas anymore, when you're in Latin America," said Symonds. "It's a very, very different environment. Quality of service and network speeds vary wildly from country to country, and within countries. You have a market where $9 or $10 a month is a big deal, not like here in the United States. Low credit card penetration, particularly of your target market which are the younger folks. Billing collection is one of the most difficult challenges. Piracy -- oh, my god -- there's so much piracy going on it's amazing. There are no net neutrality rules. There are many competitive offers. We have some of those folks up here today."

Why is there so much competition in Latin America if price is a problem for customers?

“基本上, if you are a network operator in Latin America, you are going to launch over-the-top,西蒙兹解释道。. "You're going to launch over-the-top because all of your competitors are coming after you in your home market."

The challenge facing operators, then, is how to differentiate their offerings. They can do so through content, number of titles, usage rules, pricing, or bundling, Symonds said.

To view the entire session, watch the video below.

Finding and Converting OTT 订阅rs in Latin America

Over-the-top video has launched in several Latin American countries (with at least a dozen countries poised to follow), offered by no less than six digital media operators. None of the OTT operators will have exclusive major studio content, and few will have unique indigenous content. What strategies and tactics will these operators deploy to win the battle for subscribers with a service that, 通过定义, cannot guarantee QoS in terms of price, 图书馆的大小, and content portability across platforms? What are the major barriers to finding prospects and converting them to subscribers? Which operators have the best chance at dominating the market for digital media distribution in Latin America.

主持人: 史蒂夫·西蒙兹,常务董事 & Partner, 西蒙兹的同事
发言人: 罗德里戈Terrazas巴祖卡公司首席执行官
发言人: 安东尼奥Barreto,首席执行官,dla
发言人: 冈萨洛·德拉维加, Director, Business Development, Global Delivery Services, Telefonica
发言人: 鲍勃DelamarGM, Total Movie

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