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每次万圣节的时候,传奇乐队Phish都会演出, 粉丝们知道他们会有一个惊喜:自1994年以来, 乐队将三套服装中的第二套用于制作“音乐服装”.“这不是他们穿的东西, 但他们演奏的是经典专辑的翻唱, 比如大卫·鲍伊的歌 Ziggy Stardust的兴衰和来自火星的蜘蛛《百家乐app下载》 留在光明中,甚至是华特迪士尼唱片公司 恐怖,惊心动魄的鬼屋之声. 在演出前的几周, the band’s most ardent fans devote no small amount of time to guessing what that year’s musical costume will be. 2018年最聪明的钱是在吉米·亨德里克斯身上 电动Ladyland, 来庆祝这张专辑发行50周年, 或者是汤姆·佩蒂的作品, 上次假鱼万圣节演出后去世的人吗.

不仅仅是持票人可以享受其中的乐趣. 自2002年以来,Phish一直在提供其所有节目的音频下载 Nugs.网。 在音乐会的几天内. In 2010, Phish delivered its first live pay-per-view stream of its New Year’ Eve concert at Madison Square Garden, 并很快开始对其大部分演唱会进行直播 LivePhish.com, 在过去的几年里,通过iPhone的LivePhish应用程序, 安卓, 以及各种机顶盒和智能电视. 但在2018年, Phish gave its fans another surprise on Halloween: It would deliver the show—and the three that followed in the band’s 4-night stand at the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas—in 4K as well as the usual HD.

这不仅仅是Phish的第一个4K直播. 信不信由你,这是所有大型音乐会的第一次4K直播. What follows is the story of how it came together and how the band pulled it off with the help of its technology, 有创意的, and business partners: video crew 201 Productions; software-as-a-service streaming platform MobileRider Networks, 直播和下载服务Nugs.和内容交付网络 Akamai技术.

那么,2018年的音乐剧服装是什么呢? 而不是真正的专辑, Phish invented a fake 1980s Scandinavian prog rock band it called Kasvot Växt and an album called 我rokk. It went so far as to hand out a program in Las Vegas featuring a history of Kasvot Växt and to plant stories in the music press—it even got well-known critic Stephen Thomas Erlewine to write a biography and album review for AllMusic. 一个时髦的, 从乐队通常的吉他为中心的声音重合成, 菲什的第二盘可能是他们给粉丝带来的最大惊喜. 乐队, 在舞台上, 所有的乐器都是白色的, and guitarist Trey Anastasio and bassist Mike Gordon even broke out some choreographed dance moves.


Phish’s commitment to video starts long before a live stream ever reaches a LivePhish customer, 乐队和摄制组比大多数艺术家都走得更远. While almost all arena and stadium acts feature image magnification (IMAG) screens so fans in the back of the venue can get to see close-ups, Phish foregoes the in-house video entirely—they want the fans’ eyes on them and each other, not screens—but instead they have a dedicated video team that shoots everything for broadcast and for the band’s archives.

菲什的音乐会平衡了精确性和即兴性, 他们在制作视频时也同样如此. “The goal is to maintain a consistent quality level night to night while still keeping it fresh,红灯管理公司的乐队经理杰森·科尔顿说. (图片来源:Rene Heumer)

“我们和导演伊莱·蒂什伯格合作了很长时间, and he’s absorbed a lot of feedback from the band over the years as well as from fans,红灯管理公司的杰森·科尔顿说, 菲什的管理公司. “The goal is to maintain a consistent quality level night to night while still keeping it fresh.”

Video producer Trey Kerr has been on tour with everyone from Florida Georgia Line to Drake, 但他和他的201制作团队多年来一直是菲什的巡回摄像团队. “The great thing that Phish does is that every single show is completely different,科尔说。. “这让它始终保持新鲜和有趣. 甚至连演出名单都没有,所以我们不知道他们会演奏什么. 我们只是进入其中然后说'好吧,让我们看看会发生什么'.”

而且因为他们不是冲着IMAG来的, 他们可以比传统的内部演唱会视频团队更有创意. “不仅仅是男人的脸, 不是漂亮的大头照,也不是主唱,科尔说:“我们用广角镜头拍摄灯光。, 我们所在的大楼, 人群中的人. 在家的人喜欢这样,因为他们可以看到整个环境.”

For most Phish shows, Kerr directs a six-person crew, sometimes with the help of a second director. Kerr还担任工程师, 但他说,他所有的摄像师都有工程背景. 至于相机, 剧组在舞台上有一台摄像机, 一个在舞台前面的坑里, 还有一个拿着超长镜头的枪手. 最重要的是, 他们有五个机器人摄像机,由一个操作员控制, four on stage and one that Kerr says he finds “somewhere interesting” to put at every show. 最后, they have five POV cameras for close-ups of things like keyboardist Page McConnell’s fingers and drummer Jon Fishman’s kit.

而且都是4K的, even though last year’s Las Vegas shows represented the first time they delivered in 4K. “Phish想在2018年达到4K, 我做了一个4K钻机,它足够移动,我们可以击中它, 设置它, 每天都把它拆了,科尔说。. “从本质上来说, all we do with MobileRider is that we give them a pipe and they take it and do what they need to do with it for broadcast and webcast purposes.”

201 Productions president Trey Kerr built a 4K rig for shooting Phish that he says is “mobile enough that we can strike it, 设置它, 每天都把它拆了.(图片来源:Rene Heumer)

为了万圣节表演, Kerr and his crew had the added challenge of working with Phish to make sure their equipment was invisible against the all-white stage. 科尔不能确切地说他们必须做什么不同, but there was plenty of white-wrapped cable visible when I spoke to him backstage before the second night of the Vegas run.


MobileRider Networks is a Salt Lake City-based company that provides software-as-a-service platforms for streaming live video, 与Facebook等重量级公司合作, 居住的国家, 美国国家航空航天局, U2, 和格莱美奖. They were responsible for getting the video signal from the MGM Grand Garden Arena to Akamai for delivery to LivePhish customers, 第一次4K网络直播遇到了一些独特的挑战.

“The MGM’s 网。work was unproven and not configured correctly with independent 网。work carriers to be able to run both primary and backup feeds directly out of the venue,MobileRider首席执行官马克·弗雷德里克在一封电子邮件中说. “由于4K没有通过IP在场地进行测试, we brought in a 4K satellite truck to run as primary line with uplink and downlink at our Salt Lake City NOC [网。work operations center].”

现场, 201 Productions delivered its quad 4K signal to MobileRider’s AWS Elemental Live L700 encoder, then to an AJA 12GM distribution amplifier that delivered the primary feed to the satellite truck, 弗雷德里克说. The satellite truck took used Ericsson AVP 4000 4K UHD encoders to encode to broadcast TV 4K format, and then that signal was beamed up to the EchoStar 105 in a 16 MHz slot and pulled down to the Salt Lake NOC using an Ericsson MediaFirst Content Processing Decoder.

“That feed was then ingested into an Elemental Live L700 encoder to encode a full array of 4K HLS bitrates into the Akamai MSL 4 [网。work],弗雷德里克说. Akamai dedicated staff in its Broadcast Operations Control Center (BOCC) to monitor the delivery to LivePhish customers.


Halloween marked the first time the BOCC handled a Phish webcast; since it was the inaugural 4K show, Nugs的团队.Net决定引入额外的帮助和监督. 纳格斯说:“中国奥委会也带来了很多预先规划。.网。首席执行官布拉德·塞林说. “我们已经走遍了每一个球场, 每个足球场, 每个运动场, 每一个剧院, 而且每次都是碰运气,瑟林说. “即使你三个月前在那里的时候那里很棒, 你回来,有人改变了一些东西, 或者那天晚上有人在上IT班. 你可以计划到天亮, 但在一天结束的时候, 当你身处战壕,一切都不顺利的时候, (中国奥委会)有这样的人是件好事.”

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


2019年,4K视频将成为重大赛事的筹码. 而CBS播放了5.6亿分钟的比赛时间,没有任何重大问题, 观众应该得到更好的体验.


不知道从哪里开始4K视频? 请阅读本文,了解有关整个超高清视频工作流程的专家建议, 从摄像机的选择到编码的考虑.


除了流媒体视频之外,还有更多的直播体验. AEG解释了如何创建一个沉浸式的在线社交活动.


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