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Sorenson Talks Partnerships and Squeeze Server on the Red Carpet

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最近在洛杉矶举行的流媒体西部会议的与会者第一次看到了这一点 Sorenson Server 2.0, which had just been released. During an on-camera red carpet interview, we spoke to Kirk Punches, the company's vice president of business development and strategy, 关于Sorenson最近与Real Networks的合作以及新版本的Squeeze Server.

"We announced Squeeze Server, our 2.0 release," said Punches. "It's been a long time in the making, and again, 我们在构建一流压缩引擎方面积累了所有经验,在如何创建预置以支持任何类型的可分发格式方面学习了所有知识,然后结合了在构建企业级编码服务器以支持大容量工作流时需要考虑的所有事情."

This new version of Squeeze Server offers a cloud option.

"It's a software licensing model. We don't really care where you deploy those licenses, 我们认为真正将Squeeze Server与其他游戏区别开来的是什么, is that there's no restrictions on where you deploy those encoders," Punches said. "If I want to run 5, 10, 100 locally, but I need extra capacity in the cloud, it's very easy to go deploy our encoder on Amazon, on a Windows instance, 并立即将它添加到你的集群并将它添加到队列中,这样你就能开始摄取内容. You're never restricted by how much physical capacity you have locally."

For more from Sorenson, watch the full interview below.

Troy: Hi. This is Troy Dreier, Senior Associate Editor for StreamingMedia.com, coming to you from the Red Carpet at Streaming Media West. 我们喜欢在红毯面试中采访一些我们最喜欢的业内人士. And today I'm joined by Kirk Punches of Sorenson Media. Why don't you introduce yourself, and tell the audience what you do?

Kirk: Absolutely. So again, Kirk Punches. I'm the Vice President of Business Development and Strategy, 我和索伦森在一起已经有五年了,我花了很多时间来建立我们的技术合作伙伴关系, 帮助其他公司解决视频编码和转码的复杂问题.

Troy: 我们喜欢你们的原因之一是你们总是在我们的节目中发布产品公告, which is really helpful. We love when people do that. I just talked to you personally a couple weeks ago. We were at Streaming Media London, or Streaming Media Europe, it's called, and it takes place in London. And you introduced a partnership to me that you guys had just done. Why don't you tell us more about that?

Kirk: Sure. 所以我们在欧洲流媒体大会上宣布了我们与RealNetworks的合作. 真正促成这种合作的原因是我们经常被问及实时编码, and we've traditionally been focused on file-based encoding. So it was a great partnership, because we could compliment each other. They have needs around file-based encoding, management distribution, and we could bring our Sorenson 360 platform, it's in the cloud, that can provide the management and distribution piece, as well as our desktop and server side file-based encoders. To support them, and likewise, 他们有一个桌面直播编码器和直播流服务器,为我们填补空白,帮助支持我们的客户. 所以现在,我们可以真正解决所有围绕实时和基于文件的编码和传输的挑战. We're excited about the partnership.

Troy: Now, what does that mean that you're partners now? Did you all move into the same building? Is it all one big, happy family?

Kirk: That's coming next. No. 这真的是第一天,我们想通过共同销售我们各自的产品来相互支持, 但我们已经在讨论如何进一步整合我们的技术. So early in that process, 但长期目标是我们想要完全集成的产品,这样我们就可以让我们的共同客户轻松地再次检查所有关于实时和基于文件的编码和交付管理的框.

Troy: So take me through it. 所以一个典型的客户会来找你,他们有自己的文件,他们需要编码, but then they wanted to get into live and they would...?

Kirk: Yeah. It could be a number of different scenarios. So we both are strong in education and government. 我们在媒体娱乐方面很强大,他们支持很多现有的客户. 因此,这些案例可以是任何正在进行讲座捕获的大学,现在需要一种更好的机制来存档讲座内容并将其转换为高质量的多种格式. 我们可以支持他们的努力,因为我们支持所有的自适应比特率格式. It could be a government agency. Again, any sort of enterprise that may be doing file-based delivery, but has the occasional live event for corporate communications. It could be, again, 您需要以现场和基于文件的格式获取的营销宣传材料, as well as the occasional live event. 因此,它运行广泛的用例,以服务于许多不同的垂直领域.

Troy: So if someone comes to you and they also need live and you refer them to real, how easy is that for them? Do they have one work flow? Do they have to learn new product, or are your products unified?

Kirk: Well, even today as partners, we're selling a respected solution. 所以如果我们有一个索伦森的客户想要做实时编码和流媒体, 我们现在可以为他们提供RealNetworks的RealProducer和通用媒体服务器产品. And as far as a work flow, at least today, they're certainly separate products, but we make it easy through our watch folders to get content ingested, encoded and into a format that then can be live streamed. But again, 我们的长期目标是打造一种单一的界面,用户只有一个界面,可以打开实时或基于文件的编码,然后将其传送到像360这样的平台, our Helix Media Library, which is an on-premise content management solution.

Troy: 我想,这将是向前迈出的一大步,当有一个单一的接口,可以提供两个系统.

Kirk: Absolutely. 所以这个过程的一部分是我们已经在讨论并尝试开发集成点应该是什么样子, but more importantly, it's getting customer feedback, so we're not just defining it all on our own. We're bringing customers in and really trying to understand, "Okay. What would you like that work flow to look like, and what's going to be the simple path for it under, you know, a unified product strategy?"

Troy: One thing that surprised me about your announcement, and I'm not just saying this, is that there seem to be significant cost benefits when someone gets...

Kirk: That's right.

Troy: ...both together. Both seem to be really offering big discounts.

Kirk: Absolutely. The goal was, again, knowing that we've got this partnership in place. We wanted to make sure that as a bundled solution, 如果有人来到Sorenson或RealNetworks,他们需要一个流媒体服务器,一个编码器和一个基于文件的编码器, Squeeze Server, that we could jointly bundle those solutions, and it is a significant discount, more than 50 percent. 因此,我们认为这是一个很好的方式来开始这种关系,帮助我们的客户了解今天的可能性,并向前发展.

Troy: Will that kind of pricing continue, that steep discount?

Kirk: I can say "yes." It's certainly going to continue through the end of the year, and the plans are, you know, we're certainly evaluating, "What else can we do? What other ways can we help create interest and add value together?"

Troy那么让我们跳到今天或者几周前,当它最终上线的时候. You have a new announcement, and it's a big product release, right?

Kirk: It is. So this morning, we announced Squeeze Server, our 2.0 release, and certainly excited about that. It's been a long time in the making, and again, 我们在构建一流压缩引擎方面积累了所有经验,在如何创建预置以支持任何类型的可分发格式方面学习了所有知识,然后结合了在构建企业级编码服务器以支持大容量工作流时需要考虑的所有事情. And that's, again, 今天宣布的一个重要部分是一流的技术,可以在您自己的数据中心本地运行, in the cloud, hybrid deployment, to solve any kind of complex encoding work flow challenge.

Troy: So this one offers a cloud option that wasn't there before, right? 在那里,人们可以获得按月的计划,并为云计算量身定制?

Kirk: Right. So really, think of it this way. It's a software licensing model. We don't really care where you deploy those licenses, 我们认为真正将Squeeze Server与其他游戏区别开来的是什么, is that there's no restrictions on where you deploy those encoders. So again, if I want to run 5, 10, 100 locally, but I need extra capacity in the cloud, it's very easy to go deploy our encoder on Amazon, on a Windows instance, 并立即将它添加到你的集群并将它添加到队列中,这样你就能开始摄取内容. 你永远不会被你本地的物理能力所限制,正如你可能意识到的,在我们生活的这个多屏幕世界里, there's a lot more transcoding that's happening to hit all those devices, especially as you start getting into adaptive bit rate delivery. So having capacity on demand, we think, is really important to our customers, and again, really uniquely differentiates Squeeze Server.

Troy我认为这个版本最有趣的一点是零, excuse me, 零配置选项,有人可以在五分钟内启动并运行它.

Kirk: Right.

Troy: Tell me what was added to this to allow people to just load it and go.

Kirk: Sure. Well, it was rethinking our complete installation process. It was also reworking our admin console, the user interface. So again, we have a really feature-rich set of RESTful API, so you can integrate our encoding technology into any kind of work flow. 但我们也认识到,你必须能够简单、快速地启动和运行. 因此,安装过程将我们的数据库或MySQL数据库与编码器捆绑在一起, 所以安装真的是几分钟,只要你用一个编码器启动和运行, you've already got a default queue configured, so you could immediately start creating jobs, creating watch folders, ingesting content, in a couple of minutes without a lot of thought. And then work your way into more complex work flows and multiple queues. 但我们想让它更容易启动和运行,我们认为我们已经做到了这一点.

Troy: Terrific. Well, thank you for talking to me. 我期待着看到你们在5月为流媒体东发布什么重要的内容. This is Troy Dreier coming to you from the Red Carpet.

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