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Streaming Media East 2005: From the Show Floor

For those attendees interested in gathering additional information about specific products or services, Streaming Media East’s exhibit hall provided one-on-one interaction with more than 40 exhibitors. Attendees taking advantage of coffee breaks between sessions could go across the street to watch the crowds camping out for opening night of the last Star Wars movie, but the crowds in the Hilton exhibit hall were equally thick. Indeed, attendees might have mistaken Streaming Media East 2005 for earlier shows held in the same location in 1999 and 2000, as the exhibit hall maintained a constant stream of traffic even during sessions.

DemoAccordent Technologies, a company that has exhibited at many Streaming Media shows and which sponsored several sessions, enjoyed a strong trade, with attendees sometimes three deep in front of their booth. Interest was especially high for the Accordent Capture Station, a hardware-software combination that Accordent recently launched.

"I’m competitive by nature," said Jereme Pitts, Accordent’s VP of sales and marketing, "but the response to our new Capture Station at this show has been phenomenal. We were surprised that some of our competitors chose not to exhibit at this show, but we found ourselves needing to bring in additional staff just to support the exhibit-hall interest in the product."

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