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搜索vs. 推荐的难题


“英国的一家公司花了450英镑,000 quid on creating a video and putting it online" said one speaker on a panel called "Measuring Success" at the 在线视频策略 event in London last week, "but they couldn't tell who watched it."

“更糟的是, they couldn't tell whether any action was taken as a result of watching the video,他接着说.

Panelists in this session spent almost the entire hour answering questions from content creators and companies thinking about starting their own online video platforms.

乔纳森·米尔恩, Ooyala's senior director of sales and operations for EMEA, demonstrated how video metrics can be broken down by continent, 地区, 甚至城市, much like a Google Analytics breakdown for basic web pages.

“衡量总是事后才想到的, 无论是网络分析还是视频分析,他说, "but too often videos are posted without any clear sense of what success looks like."

At the same time, Milne pointed out that search is only one of the forms of discovery. The other, which may be growing quite a bit faster than search is discovery via recommendation.

小组成员在单独的会议 流媒体欧洲 titled "Video 搜索 and Recommendation: Finding Content in a Thousand-Channel Universe" agreed with Milne's premise that recommendation is a growing force in the consumption of content.

托马斯。德沃夏克, 他是APRICO Solutions的首席营销官, 从飞利浦剥离出来的产品, said that search was a feature highly requested during trial runs of the company's set-top box interface and back-end solution.

"搜索 was the number one request within the first few days of our testing,德沃夏克说, "yet only 5 per cent of the total households used search to find content. We think this is partly due to the innovative way we approach recommended content but also due to the fact that search is less popular in a lean-back scenario like television viewing."

APRICO提供按需服务, 电视直播和顶级内容, so the company is well aware that its users face a thousand-channel universe, but Dvorak says that the key is personalization rather than really big search engines.

"We let viewers personalize content in to channels,德沃夏克说, "such as an action channel or a football channel, and we find that each person in the household will choose to create no more than ten personalized channels each."

迈克尔·伍德利, 杜夫尔的首席技术官, said his Cambridge University spin-off search company sees granular search as key to video viewership rates.

"It's not enough to just tag a video with a few key words,伍德利说, "when only a portion of the video may be applicable. We see that granular search-being able to go to a direct location within a video-will be key to keeping search relevant.

同时也同意杜尔夫的观点, 贾斯汀•海沃德, 《百家乐软件》的总经理, said that recommendation is key to his client base of luxury product and service providers.

"We have content that markets some of the world's finest products,海沃德说。, 比如游艇, 手表, 体育休闲公司, 比如大卫劳埃德休闲集团. 这些公司依靠口碑进行销售, so we see recommendations and the social graph as a large part of their online strategy."

通过社交图谱, Hayward is referring to tracking Facebook "likes" or tweets (dispatches from Twitter) or other social sites.

This ability to track what others are saying about you shouldn't just stop at Facebook social tracking, 斯蒂芬·塔拉米说, LocateTV的技术主管, 国家安全局的一个部门.

"Just like competition is good in the search engine world, 谷歌和必应,塔拉米说。, "you also wouldn't want to just rely on Facebook, since there aren't key analytics yet in place-for anyone other than Facebook-to measure success rates. Don't forget that simple comment sections can also help provide engagement with customers."

Nedstat GM Ade Adeosun, of the "Measuring Success" panel, agrees. When asked by a representative from Nintendo about how best to gauge feedback on the video trailers for Nintendo games, Adeoson mentioned social chatter analysis but said it goes well beyond that.

"Don't simply put a Twitter or Facebook link," said Adeosun, "as everyone is doing that. 使用评论区来衡量兴趣, and consider optional methods that move the user beyond the binary of choosing 'like' or taking no action."

“我们衡量的是Flash游戏,他补充道, 来判断某个关卡是否太难, 然后将这些信息传递给客户. They often find that forums and comment sections will reveal some of these frustrations, too."

Milne wrapped up the thoughts on this topic by noting that, 在最近的英国大选结果电视直播中, ITV一夜之间迅速吸引了大批观众.

"We saw during the elections that one channel lost a number of live viewers to ITV," said Milne. "The reasoning-from what we can tell-was that ITV launched a companion online application that allowed for commenting. This means that tracking the social graph and recommendations are key."

Want to learn more about search, recommendation, and social media? 加入我们 网络视频平台峰会 for the session "If You Publish It, Will They Come?," moderated by ReelSEO's Mark Robertson and including speakers from Funny or Die, KickApps, Taboola, 和MeFeedia.

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