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nbc环球's Three C's of Ad Strategy, Part 1: Consumers 和 Content

了解更多关于流媒体广告策略 流媒体西部2022.

Eric Schumacher-Rasmussen: 你谈到了你所做的一切都是围绕消费者展开的, content, 顾客/客户, 然后是竞争. Could you go through those four Cs 和 talk about them in relation to where things st和 today with PeacockTVnbc环球.

威廉姆斯Roberts-Foster: 我们一直是一家消费者至上的公司. 所以我们不一定只是跟着消费者走, 我们紧跟潮流, 我们明白发生了什么. 人们要去哪里?? 他们在找什么? 他们需要什么?? 并确保我们的业务在那里, 他们在哪里,因为在观众这边, 他们在哪里我们需要在哪里. 广告主也希望用户在哪里就在哪里. 那么,我们如何确保这一切都在一起. 我们知道,到目前为止,这是一项不可思议的投资. 此时此刻, we've seen that probably about a third of our viewing is happening in streaming, 在接下来的18个月左右, we really see probably around a half-和-half split of linear versus digital.

我们知道那是我们需要的地方. 这就是我们需要做的. 当我们更全面地思考这个问题时, 我们知道观众无处不在——他们是线性的, 他们都在玩手机, 他们在社交网络上, 甚至在游戏领域也是如此. 他们在所有这些地方, 所以我们说, “好吧, how do we show up in those areas 和 make sure that they're able to access the kind of stuff that they're interested in, 他们在那些空间里所做的事情, 确保我们是其中的一份子. 我们都知道,作为营销人员,我们试图接近消费者. And then as consumers of the work that we do ourselves, we all viscerally feel it.

But when it comes to Peacock 和 how we think about it from that perspective, 消费者是理解他们是谁的锚, 它们是如何起作用的? 他们对什么感兴趣? 他们需要什么,他们想要什么,他们不想要什么? 当你在这个平台上考虑它们的时候, 这是, "How can we use advertising 和 engagement with advertisers to either complement behaviors that they're already doing on our platform.所以你会想,“哦,用户在做这个,这个,还有这个。. 所以我们试着创造一些与之相关的东西, 有可能刺激某些行为的东西?“比如说,我们的狂欢广告. 我们知道我们想要用户狂欢. So how do we incentivize that create an ad unit that gives them some value 和 makes them want to keep doing that?

具体地说, just digging into a little bit of the details of the Binge Ad--at the third episode, 如果你一直在看的话, 你已经经历了前两集, 等到你生第三个孩子的时候, 我们说, “嘿, 这个是没有广告的, 多亏了那个广告商."

或者,我们如何使用广告来潜在地阻止行为? Are there things that people are doing on the platform that we don't quite care for? 首先让我们冷静一下,了解一下为什么会这样? 每个和我一起工作的人都知道我总是问“为什么”?“无数次——就像,让我们,让我们找到问题的关键. 为什么会发生这种情况?? But then is there a way for us to leverage advertising in order to maybe deter that behavior to get them to do something that maybe we think could be more advantageous for them, 或者可以帮助我们把平台做得更好, 然后给他们一个不同的、更好的体验.

So that's the first C: the consumer, really anchoring on their behaviors 和 what's going on there.

第二个C是content,这很重要. 为什么用户在那里? 他们是为content而存在的. content也是如此, 因为我们的平台上有各种各样的游戏, 你有你的现场活动, 你有图书馆粉丝最喜欢的安慰节目. 你有那些全新的系列,比如《百家乐app下载》. 我相信房间里肯定有贝莱尔的粉丝. 你有你的体育赛事,包括现场直播和回放. 有了这个, 这是 really more about--back to the consumer--underst和ing what is the viewer's state when they're watching certain things. Think about it: A viewer or a fan of a show is in a different mind state if they're watching the br和 new Minions movie. 这是一种特殊的精神状态. 你以一种特殊的方式来到这个平台, 和 your viewing experience is probably going to be a particular thing.

That's very different than if you're coming 和 watching a Premier League final. 这和你狂饮《百家乐软件app最新版下载》是完全不同的体验, 她在凌晨两点写信, 因为那是你喜欢的东西. 这也是一种不同的观看状态. So being mindful of the kinds of content 和 the kinds of experiences that people will curate for themselves around that content is important. So when we think about innovations on the platform for advertisers 和 marketers, 我们在想, 我们如何让他们进入那种特殊的体验, 期望用户在那一刻对什么感兴趣, 以及我们如何让这种体验变得最好? You may not want to get as interrupted as much if you're watching Marry Me when it just came out yesterday. 谁会希望在那种电影中间出现这些吊舱?

So that's where we come in with what we call our Cinematic Trailer model, 给你三分钟的广告. 但是电影不会被打断. 做运动, now we're experimenting with thinking about something like a frame app where you're watching your sport, 即使是现场活动, 你不会想被夺走的, 和 we essentially frame that by bringing in an advertiser's message right next to it. 你不会被你所看到的东西带走. 那么我们如何确保它们是互补的呢, 这不仅仅是有人想和你说话或对你说话? 在这一点上,我们已经习惯了几十年. 但是我们怎样才能使它成为一种互补的体验并加以加强呢, make it something that you weren't originally potentially getting on the linear side? So that's the content side--being mindful of what different content brings to each different viewing state.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

How NBCU 和 Chicken Soup for the Soul Have Evolved Their Monetization Strategies

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sechange高级总监, Advanced Advertising Scott Apgar explains why OTT ad insertion isn't ramping up more quickly in this clip from his presentation at 流媒体 East 2019.