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Vidcaster: 2015 Online Video Industry Prediction

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2015: The Year of Video Results

We are witnessing a revolution in online video. Companies from the Fortune 500 to solo entrepreneurs are now using digital video as a critical business tool. Video now pays the bills.

Your sales team closes deals with tracked video demos. Operations rolls out new product lines with detailed video documentation. HR interviews remote candidates with recorded video interviews. R&D uses a smartphone app to record research panelists in the field.

Your sales team never asked for H264. Marketing doesn’t care about HEVC. Ops doesn’t even know what adaptive bitrate means. Your CFO surely doesn’t care about play counts. All they want are results.

Yet, everyone wants something different. Sales and marketing need video lead generation and connectors to Salesforce and Marketo. HR needs a high security Single Sign-On video portal with viewer auditing for compliance. Customer support and field training need interactive video for training comprehension and quizzes.

This deafening chorus of video requirements can be maddening, but there is help in sight. Next generation solutions like Vidcaster combine modularity, security, and viewer interactivity to drive measurable results, not just video playback as a sole focus.

Vidcaster is not the only second gen provider but our team is proud to be helping the industry evolve from delivering video to delivering results.

Here’s to 2015, the year of video results.

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