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Today, Amazon Web Services, Inc. (AWS), an Amazon.com, Inc. company (NASDAQ: AMZN), 和ViacomCBS (NASDAQ: VIAC)宣布达成一项协议,使AWS成为ViacomCBS全球广播媒体业务的首选云提供商. As part of the strategic agreement, ViacomCBS将对其整个广播业务进行迁移, 它横跨425个线性电视频道和40个全球数据和媒体中心, 到世界领先的云——媒体和娱乐行业的第一次大规模变革之一. 此次迁移将使ViacomCBS提高效率并节省成本, simplify access to content for its licensing partners, 并通过在任何设备上播放和流媒体内容,可靠地为消费者提供新的观看体验. 

ViacomCBS将利用AWS行业领先的基础设施和全面的云功能, including serverless, containers, databases, media services, analytics, and machine learning, 构建基于云的广电媒体供应链运营模式. 这个新的基于云的中心将帮助广播公司更快地启动新频道, 动态组装实时内容,以优化任何分销渠道的交付, add image and video analysis to applications, and automate workflows. ViacomCBS计划使用AWS Elemental媒体服务以及AWS机器学习技术, including Amazon Rekognition (为应用程序添加智能图像和视频分析的AWS服务) and Amazon SageMaker (AWS(用于构建、培训和部署机器学习模型的服务),以快速扩展视频处理百家乐软件,实现工作流自动化,并预测观众偏好. 这些功能将帮助ViacomCBS制作和流媒体动态内容 哥伦比亚广播公司的24/7数字流媒体服务CBSN上有效的全国和地方新闻分发. 

“我们正在扩大与AWS的战略关系,以支持我们行业领先的技术和运营转型,” said Phil Wiser, ViacomCBS的执行副总裁兼首席技术官. “With AWS, 我们将能够自动化和简化我们的内容生产流程, licensing, 分发到消费者流媒体服务,并更快地创新,以提供更好的客户体验. 我们正在积极思考并采取行动,以维亚康cbs以其领先的全球内容和服务为市场带来的重大颠覆为基础. AWS深厚的服务组合将帮助我们以新颖有趣的方式释放内容的力量,从而使我们的广告商受益, licensing partners, and streaming services.”

We are excited to deepen our relationship with ViacomCBS to 重新定义跨任何平台的全球观众的媒体和娱乐内容的视频交付,” said Greg Pearson, 亚马逊网络服务公司全球商业销售副总裁. 将其广播媒体业务转移到AWS上,使ViacomCBS能够灵活地降低成本, take advantage of new distribution models, and drive efficiency and innovation across its entire global media operations. 利用AWS成熟的运营经验和无与伦比的服务组合, 无论使用何种平台,ViacomCBS都可以以最高的可靠性创建和提供新的视频内容体验,并吸引观众. 

About Amazon Web Services

For 14 years, 亚马逊网络服务一直是世界上最全面和最广泛采用的云平台. AWS为计算提供了超过175种功能齐全的服务, storage, databases, networking, analytics, robotics, machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), mobile, security, hybrid, virtual and augmented reality (VR and AR), media, and application development, deployment, 通过24个地理区域内的77个可用分区(az)进行管理, 宣布计划在澳大利亚增加18个可用区和6个AWS区域, India, Indonesia, Japan, Spain, and Switzerland. 数以百万计的客户——包括增长最快的初创公司, largest enterprises, 以及领先的政府机构都信任AWS为其基础设施提供支持, become more agile, and lower costs. To learn more about AWS, visit aws.amazon.com.

About Amazon

亚马逊遵循四大原则:以客户为中心,而不是以竞争对手为中心, passion for invention, commitment to operational excellence, and long-term thinking. Customer reviews, 1-Click shopping, personalized recommendations, Prime, Fulfillment by Amazon, AWS, Kindle Direct Publishing, Kindle, Fire tablets, Fire TV, Amazon Echo, 和Alexa都是亚马逊首创的产品和服务. For more information, visit amazon.com/about and follow @AmazonNews.

About ViacomCBS

ViacomCBS (NASDAQ: VIAC; VIACA) is a leading global media and entertainment company that creates premium content and experiences for audiences worldwide. Driven by iconic consumer brands, its portfolio includes CBS, Showtime Networks, Paramount Pictures, Nickelodeon, MTV, Comedy Central, BET, CBS All Access, Pluto TV and Simon & Schuster, among others. The company delivers the largest share of the U.S. 电视观众,并拥有业内最重要和最广泛的电视和电影标题库之一. 除了提供创新的流媒体服务和数字视频产品, ViacomCBS provides powerful capabilities in production, 为五大洲的合作伙伴提供分销和广告解决方案. 

For more information about ViacomCBS, please visit www.viacomcbs.com and follow @ViacomCBS on social platforms.

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