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Conviva: 1% Interruptions Lead to 14 Minutes of Lost Engagement


While the quality of over-the-top video services is rising, so are viewer demands. Video optimization specialist Conviva released its 2015 Viewer Experience Report today, and the findings lay out challenges for OTT providers.

Playback interruptions are the biggest problem for OTT services, as each 1 percent of interruptions experienced leads to 14 minutes of lost viewer engagement. Viewers have high demands, and tune out quickly when playback isn't perfect. Conviva found that video start failures have fallen to a new low of 2.6%. However, the rates for video buffering and low-resolution playback haven't changed since 2013.

As mobile device use increases, so does the rise in multi-screen viewing. It's now at an all-time high, Conviva notes. An average household of three people uses two devices at the same time during primetime hours. 的 report found that picture fidelity increased worldwide by 30 percent in the past year, and notes that higher picture fidelity leads to an increase in viewing time.

"Viewers used to be content with an OTT service if the video began playing at all—this is no longer the case,张辉说, Conviva的首席执行官. "Consumers now demand a multi-dimensional experience that provides superior picture fidelity, zero resolution volatility, and TV-like viewing quality, and will abandon the streams that do not deliver."

full report is available for free download (需要注册).

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