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Mirror Image Offers Online Ad Solutions

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Mirror Image Internet has just introduced a set of tools designed to help customers increase the scalability of their online ads, increase geographic coverage, and improve the performance of targeted ad applications. Known as Online Advertising Solutions, the set includes tools for enabling pre- and post-roll ad insertion, targeted ad rotation, mobile device detection, pixel tracking, billing verification, 和更多的.

Based in Tewksbury, Massachusetts, Mirror Image Internet, a subsidiary of Xcelera Inc., is an enterprise-class global network for content and streaming media delivery.

At the same time, Mirror Image has announced the availability of its new Edge Computing Framework (ECF). This lets businesses take advantage of custom edge logic when using Mirror Image's content delivery network. The ECF is able to detect changing conditions and execute logic to drive actions in real time. This happens at the edge of the network, for shorter response times. The new ad solutions work in conjunction with ECF.

"The traditional approach to edge computing offered by CDNs simply does not work for all organizations and applications,詹姆斯·G说。. Hart, vice president of sales and marketing for Mirror Image. "Meeting the demand for fast, 简单的, and hassle-free edge computing has driven the development of our Edge Computing Framework. We can deploy highly customized in-session logic across our global content delivery network for our customers faster 和更多的 easily than any other vendor."

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