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4K Studios uses Blackmagic Design Ultra HD workflow to deliver 4K streaming media

Blackmagic Design today announced that San Francisco based 4K Studios is using a Blackmagic Production Camera 4K, ATEM制作工作室4K和达芬奇解决方案, 以及一些额外的黑魔法设计产品, 以帮助支持其4K工作流程.

Fremont, CA(08 Jan 2015)

Blackmagic Design today announced that San Francisco based 4K Studios is using a Blackmagic Production Camera 4K, ATEM制作工作室4K和达芬奇解决方案, 以及一些额外的黑魔法设计产品, 以帮助支持其4K工作流程. 4K Studios converts existing media and creates original materials for its new Ultra HD network, UltraFlix.

4K工作室是纳米科技娱乐公司的全资子公司, a San Jose based technology company focusing on all aspects of the entertainment industry, including 3D, Gaming, Media & IPTV,移动应用和制造业. 2014年国际消费电子展, UltraFlix is the world’s first all 4K Ultra HD streaming network and has been ported to multiple platforms, 包括安卓设备和智能4K超高清电视, such as Samsung, Vizio and Sony.

除了黑魔法生产相机4K, ATEM制作工作室4K和达芬奇解决方案, 4K工作室使用HyperDeck Studio Pro SSD记录仪, SmartScope Duo 4K显示器, DeckLink 4K Extreme capture card and numerous Mini Converters HDMI to SDI to deliver a wide variety of digital formats and streaming ready media for its numerous digital channels.

作为4K工作室的高级制作人, Owen Morris is responsible for clean up and compression of the various content sources they receive, 其中大部分是35mm胶片. 一旦35mm胶片被扫描成4K格式, 我们用达芬奇解析软件来选择颜色并进行清理, and the mastered films then get compressed and placed in the cloud ready to stream,” he said.

“达芬奇决断是迄今为止最大的游戏改变者. 我们将一部电影扫描到6TB未压缩的4K格式,大约每卷1TB, 我们需要一种颜色分级的方法, 组装和同步这些巨大的序列,” continued Owen. “DaVinci Resolve is a great all in one application that lets us output an assembled master file in a single step. 对于高质量的扫描, Resolve的灰尘清理工具可以处理相当多的清理工作, 而不必使用额外的损坏软件, 这节省了大量的生产时间.”

The HyperDeck Studio Pro and SmartScope Duo 4K are currently being used to capture a variety of old Kung Fu films for clean up and conversion to HD. “Capturing these older formats is a common use for the HyperDeck and SmartScope,” said Owen. “We capture the old tapes in real time at low res and then take the files up to HD. The HyperDeck and SmartScope combination is often used like this to create workable files from old formats.”  

除了转换现有的内容, 4K Studios also creates its own original Ultra HD content using the Production Camera 4K. 4K Studios produces full 30 minute episodes as well as shoots short videos and promos on a variety of subjects to build and populate 4K channels.

“It’s amazing to be able to stream 4K live to the Internet from a camera that's actually shooting high quality 4K,” said Owen. “We even used the camera in conjunction with the ATEM and DeckLink to live grade with DaVinci Resolve. 我们计划推出一个4K游戏频道, 我期待着镜头, ATEM和DeckLink让我们制作惊人的4K流媒体.”

Owen is working on a Twitch like streaming channel that will feature a host of gamers and entertainers hanging out and gaming. 用4K生产相机和一些额外的相机拍摄, the ATEM制作工作室4K will mix the camera footage with a live feed of the game and produce a 4K stream.

“我们的理念是能够以4K播放视频游戏, ATEM可以捕获和处理多个视频源, 包括播放最后的4K信号. Game developers will be able to showcase their games at a higher resolution thanks to the added production value from Blackmagic Design’s 4K products,” said Owen.

“我们没有大的预算, 而且我们也没有那么多的美工有足够的时间, 所以我们现在需要负担得起的工具来开始在4K领域工作,” he concluded. “Blackmagic Design is simply ahead of the game when it comes to professional 4K.”

Press Photography

黑魔生产相机4K的产品照片, ATEM制作工作室4K, 达芬奇解决和所有其他黑魔法设计产品可在

关于Blackmagic Design

黑魔设计创造了世界上最高质量的视频编辑产品, 数码胶片相机, color correctors, video converters, video monitoring, routers, 现场生产切换, disk recorders, 波形监视器和实时电影扫描仪的功能电影, 影视后期制作和广播行业. Blackmagic Design’s DeckLink capture cards launched a revolution in quality and affordability in post production, while the company’s Emmy™ award winning DaVinci color correction products have dominated the television and film industry since 1984. Blackmagic Design continues ground breaking innovations including 6G-SDI and 12G-SDI products and stereoscopic 3D and Ultra HD workflows. 由世界领先的后期制作编辑和工程师创立, Blackmagic Design在美国设有办事处, UK, Japan, 新加坡和澳大利亚. 欲了解更多信息,请访问


总部位于圣何塞, CA, 硅谷的中心, NanoTech Entertainment is a technology company that focuses on all aspects of the entertainment industry. 拥有六大技术业务部门,专注于3D,游戏,媒体 & IPTV,移动应用和制造,公司拥有独特的商业模式. 公司拥有多样化的产品和技术组合. 纳米科技游戏实验室是一家虚拟制造商, 开发技术和游戏, and licensing them to third parties for manufacturing and distribution in order to keep its overhead extremely low and operations efficient in the new global manufacturing economy. NanoTech Media develops proprietary technology which it licenses to publishers for use in their products as well as creating and publishing unique content. NanoTech Media Technology includes the world's first 4K Ultra HD streaming solution. NanoTech Communications develops and sells proprietary apps and technology in the Mobile and Consumer space. Clear Memories is the global leader in 3D ice carving and manufacturing technology. 4K Studios creates digital 4K Ultra HD content using both licensed materials as well as original productions. NanoTech is redefining the role of developers and manufacturers in the global market. More information about NanoTech Entertainment and its products can be found on the web at