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Blackmagic设计用于超过60 2023圣丹斯电影节项目

弗里蒙特,, 美国-星期二, 1月24日, 2023 - Blackmagic Design today announced that more than 60 projects at the 2023 Sundance Film Festival used its digital films cameras, 达芬奇解决工作室编辑, 分级, 视觉效果(VFX)和音频后期专业


“Using Blackmagic Cloud has made major improvements in how I have been able to work during these pandemic days where many long time collaborators have relocated,Nice resolve的调色师娜塔莎·伊科利说. 对于复杂的情况,要遵循多个档案和来源, it meant being able to start color a little earlier than we normally would because conform could take place while look set sessions were happening. Blackmagic Cloud也给了我在Nice resolve工作室工作的灵活性, 从我在布鲁克林的家庭工作室和法国无缝衔接, 从不担心项目的最新版本.”

一些使用Blackmagic Design相机的圣丹斯项目包括:

  • “A Common Sequence” Co directors Mary Helena Clark and Mike Gibisser used Blackmagic URSA迷你Pro 4.6K和Blackmagic 口袋电影相机6K Pro数码胶片相机;
  • “Fantastic Machine” Directors Axel Danielson and Maximilien Van Aertryck used 袖珍电影摄影机6K Pro;
  • “Going to Mars: The Nikki Giovanni Project” DP Derek Wiesehahn used Pocket Cinema Camera 4K and URSA Mini Pro 4.6K;
  • “Going Varsity in Mariachi” Sound Recordist Charlie Vela used Pocket Cinema Camera 4K for select sequences;
  • “Infinity Pool” DP Karim Hussain used 袖珍电影摄影机6K for insert and 2nd unit shots;
  • “Nam June Paik: Moon Is the Oldest TV” DP Nelson Walker used 袖珍电影摄影机6K for select interviews;
  • “Rye Lane” DP Olan Collardy used Pocket Cinema Camera 4K for select scenes; and
  • “Sometimes I Think 关于 Dying” DP Dustin Lane used 袖珍电影摄影机6K for B unit photography.

达芬奇解决工作室 continues to support numerous facets of the production and post pipelines, 正如后期制作人JP·卡斯特尔所说, 它被《百家乐软件》的多个部门使用.”

“除了评分, 编辑使用达芬奇Resolve Studio来编辑整部电影, with multiple editors working in various cities and trading DRTs between them seamlessly. 然后我们在Blackmagic Cloud中发现了多用户编辑会话, 哪一个完全改变了游戏规则, 没有它,我们不可能完成这部电影,他说. “We also used Fairlight after picture lock to separate and deliver audio stems via buses and export AFFs to the various audio departments. 融合也被广泛用于电影中的小效果, 主要是把不同的镜头掩盖在一起.”

Some of the Sundance projects that used DaVinci Resolve and 达芬奇解决工作室 for production and post production include:

  • 由AFATECS的houhman Abdallah评分的“意外逃跑司机”;
  • “Against the Tide” graded by Nicolas Perret at Gump Studios and onlined by Clément Allemand of Lemon Studio;
  • “Aliens Abducted My Parents and Now I Feel Kinda Left Out” graded by Drew Tekulve of Paradox Post, with VFX artist Connor Bennett of Kaleidoscope Pictures also using 达芬奇解决工作室 for color keying;
  • 由Color Collective的Alex Bickel评分的“All Dirt Roads Taste of Salt”;
  • “坏新闻”由丹·爱德华兹评分的变化框架;
  • 由奥利维尔·丰特内评分的《百家乐app下载》;
  • 《百家乐app下载》(Cat Person)由纽约Goldcrest Post的亚历克斯·伯曼(Alex Berman)评分;
  • 共同导演玛丽·海伦娜·克拉克和迈克·吉比瑟评分的《百家乐软件》;
  • “神性”由3公司苏菲·波鲁普评分, with Editor Steve Forner of Bonch Post and Editor Kevin Greutert also using 达芬奇解决工作室 for transcoding and VFX pulls;
  • 《百家乐软件》(Drift)由Christophe Bousquet评分;
  • 《百家乐软件》(Earth Mama),由Light Iron公司的山姆·戴利评分;
  • 《百家乐软件app最新版下载》(Eileen)由纽约PostWorks公司的纳特·詹克斯评分;
  • “The Eternal Memory” graded by Pamela Valenzuela of Filmo Estudios with Teranex 2D Processor standards converter used for up conversions and transcoding;
  • 《百家乐app下载》(Fairyland)由轻铁公司(Light Iron)的山姆·戴利评分;
  • 《百家乐软件》(The Family Circus)由Color Collective的迈克·豪厄尔评分;
  • “花式舞蹈”分级Raphaëlle杜福塞在Confluential电影;
  • “弗里蒙特”由Mikey Rossiter的Rare Medium分级, with DP Laura Valladao also using DaVinci Resolve on set to make in camera shooting LUTs;
  • 《百家乐软件app最新版下载》由Time Based Arts的Simone Grattarola评分;
  • “Going to Mars: The Nikki Giovanni Project” graded by Paul Byrne at Confluential Films;
  • “Going Varsity in Mariachi” graded by Samuel Gursky and Jeffrey Chance of Irving Harvey;
  • 《百家乐软件》J. 3号公司的科迪·贝克;
  • “无限池”由吉姆·弗莱明与达芬奇解决高级小组评分;
  • “Invisible Beauty” graded by Natacha Ikoli of Nice Dissolve with 达芬奇解决迷你面板 and 达芬奇解决微型面板, 以及用于移动质量控制的iPad版达芬奇解决方案, 达芬奇解析速度编辑器键盘, Blackmagic Web Presenter 4K流媒体解决方案和Blackmagic Cloud;
  • 《百家乐软件》,由Different by Design的卢克·卡希尔评分;
  • “Jamojaya”由公司3的Tom Poole评分, with Taylor Mahony of Tunnel Post also using 达芬奇解决工作室 to grade dailies;
  • “Joonam” graded by Natacha Ikoli of Nice Dissolve with 达芬奇解决迷你面板 and 达芬奇解决微型面板, 以及用于移动质量控制的iPad版达芬奇解决方案, 达芬奇解析速度编辑器, Blackmagic Web Presenter 4K和Blackmagic Cloud;
  • “Judy Blume Forever” Lead Assistant Editor Elizabeth Le used 达芬奇解决工作室 for transcoding;
  • 模数工作室Eric Masunaga评分的“Kim’s Video”;
  • “煤王”由不同设计的卢克·卡希尔评分;
  • Flat Parioli的安德烈亚·巴拉卡(Andrea Baracca)评分的《百家乐app下载》;
  • “La Pecera” Editor Clara Martínez Malagelada used DaVinci Resolve for transcoding;
  • 《百家乐软件》(A Little Prayer)由纽约金冠邮报(Goldcrest Post)的简·托尔马契夫(Jane Tolmachyov)评分;
  • 《百家乐app下载》由3公司的汤姆·普尔评分;
  • 《百家乐软件》由Antípodas电影实验室的胡安·文图拉Pecellín Curiel评分;
  • 尼古拉斯·洛塞克(Nicolas Lossec)评分的《百家乐软件app最新版下载》;
  • 欧文·哈维公司的塞缪尔·古尔斯基(Samuel Gursky)评分的《百家乐软件app最新版下载》(Mirror Party);
  • 《百家乐软件app最新版下载》由3公司的约瑟夫·比克内尔评分;
  • “My Animal” graded by Sam Gilling and Marc Boucrot with a 达芬奇解决迷你面板, with editors Marc Boucrot and Jacqueline Castel also using 达芬奇解决工作室 and Blackmagic Cloud for editing, 音频后期制作和一些视觉特效工作;
  • “Nam June Paik: Moon Is the Oldest TV” graded by Samuel Gursky and Jeffrey Chance of Irving Harvey;
  • 《百家乐软件》,由第三公司的泰勒·罗斯评分;
  • “段落”由你·摩尔评分;
  • 《百家乐软件》(The Persian Version),由Basis Berlin的菲利普·奥加萨评分;
  • “C计划”由布莱恩·哈钦斯(Brian Hutchings)评分;
  • “Radical”由True color Mexico的Ana Montaño评分;
  • 欧文·哈维公司的塞缪尔·古尔斯基评分的《百家乐软件》;
  • “Rotting in the Sun” graded by Lead Colorist Ernie Schaeffer of Caffeine Post with 达芬奇解决工作室 also used for online editorial and mastering and Blackmagic Cloud used for collaboration;
  • Brett Manson评分的“Run Rabbit Run”;
  • “Rye Lane” graded by Cheat's Jack McGinity on behalf of Goldcrest Post and onlined by Jemma Fox;
  • 埃德尔·拉弗蒂评分的《百家乐软件》;
  • 《百家乐软件》(Sometimes I Think 关于 Dying),由京都彩色出版社(Kyotocolor)的布拉德利·格里尔(Bradley Greer)评分;
  • “仍然:迈克尔·J. 福克斯电影(Fox Movie),由《百家乐软件app最新版下载》的斯蒂芬·索南菲尔德和亚当·纳扎连科评分;
  • 《百家乐app下载》(The Stroll)由光波邮报的卢克·卡希尔评分;
  • 马蒂·佩珀(Marty Pepper)评分的《百家乐软件》(Talk To Me);
  • 《百家乐软件》(Theater Camp)由纽约PostWorks公司的纳特·詹克斯评分;
  • 《百家乐app下载》(To Live and Die and Live),保罗·伯恩(Paul Byrne)评分,Confluential Films;
  • “Twice Colonized” graded by Mathieu Marano of CineGround and Anders Christensen of Kong Gulerod Film, 视觉特效由CineGround的Thomas Le Lay制作;
  • “受害者/嫌疑人”由不同设计的卢克·卡希尔评分;
  • “You Hurt My Feelings” graded by Nat Jencks of PostWorks New York; and
  • “年轻的. 野生. 免费的.由3公司的沃尔特·沃尔帕托(Walter Volpatto)评分.


  • “Onyx the Fortuitous and the Talisman of Souls” DIT Nick Zarvis used DaVinci Resolve Studio;
  • “激进”DIT弗朗索瓦·诺布海姆考特使用了达芬奇的Resolve Studio, UltraStudio 4K捕获和播放卡和Smart Videohub 12x12路由器;
  • “缺点”DIT Keith Putnam使用Smart Videohub 20x20, UltraStudio HD Mini, 达芬奇解析工作室和迷你转换器SDI分布
  • “Sometimes I Think 关于 Dying” Editor Ryan Kendrick used Blackmagic Web Presenter; and
  • “戏剧营”的DIT金伯利·索尔使用了达芬奇的Resolve Studio, UltraStudio 3G录音机, UltraStudio 3G监视器和智能视频集线器12x12.



口袋电影相机4K的产品照片, 袖珍电影摄影机6K, 口袋电影相机6K Pro, URSA迷你Pro 4.6K, 达芬奇解决工作室, 达芬奇解决迷你面板, 达芬奇解决微型面板, 达芬奇解决高级面板, 达芬奇解析速度编辑器, Blackmagic Web Presenter 4K, UltraStudio, Videohub, 迷你转换器SDI分布, Teranex 2D处理器和所有其他黑魔设计产品可在www.blackmagicdesign.com/media/images

关于Blackmagic Design

黑魔设计创造了世界上最高质量的视频编辑产品, 数码胶片相机, 颜色校正技术, 视频转换器, 视频监控, 路由器, 现场生产切换, 硬盘录像机, 波形监视器和实时电影扫描仪的功能电影, 影视后期制作和广播行业. Blackmagic Design’s DeckLink capture cards launched a revolution in quality and affordability in post production, while the company’s Emmy™ award winning DaVinci color correction products have dominated the television and film industry since 1984. Blackmagic Design continues ground breaking innovations including 6G-SDI and 12G-SDI products and stereoscopic 3D and Ultra HD workflows. 由世界领先的后期制作编辑和工程师创立, Blackmagic Design在美国设有办事处, UK, 日本, 新加坡和澳大利亚. 欲了解更多信息,请访问www.blackmagicdesign.com