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Digital Rapids宣布企业级转码和编码器管理应用程序的新升级

Markham, Ontario(31 Aug 2010)


Digital Rapids——领先的电视工具和解决方案提供商, 向更广泛的受众提供电影和网络内容-今天宣布了数字急流转码管理自动化的新版本, 分布式转码软件和数字急流广播管理多编码器管理软件. 数字急流转码管理器新功能的亮点包括自动“商业黑色”移除和扩展剪辑列表功能, 而数字急流广播管理器增加包括调度增强, expanded input router support and more.

Digital Rapids Transcode Manager软件提供卓越的性能, quality, scalability and automation for high-volume, multi-format transcoding. 一个新的,自动的“商业黑”删除功能在转码管理器1.5自动检测并跳过原用于电视广告插入的源内容的空白部分. The results are seamless, transcoded outputs for VOD, multi-platform distribution, 存档和其他非电视应用程序,无需耗时的手动编辑. Version 1.5 also adds audio masking, 扩展剪辑列表功能,用于组合多个不同的剪辑, and a new user interface style.

Transcode Manager 1.5还提供了与最近发布的版本3类似的功能和选项.2 and 3.3 software for StreamZ and StreamZHD encoding systems. These include transcoding to segmented outputs for adaptive delivery to Apple(r) iPhone(r) and iPad(r) devices; expanded format support including JPEG2000 video and Dolby(r) Pulse audio; Microsoft(r) PlayReady(r) technology for protection of file-based Microsoft IIS Smooth Streaming content; YouTube Content ID and Vobile VideoDNA fingerprint generation and more.

数字急流广播管理软件提供集中管理, scheduling, monitoring and fault tolerance for multiple live encoders. Version 1.5的广播管理器扩展了支持的第三方视频路由器的范围,用于自动管理传入源. 广播管理器现在可以控制来自Evertz和Nevion的路由器,除了现有的哈里斯路由器支持. Broadcast Manager可以自动将上游视频路由器切换到用户选择的预定编码输入源,并在故障转移期间根据需要将输入信号重新路由到备份编码器.

在广播管理器1中增强了文件摄取的自动化,新的资产创建功能.启用计划摄取与可定制元数据模板的关联, 额外的媒体和支持百家乐软件,如包装照片. 然后,完整的资产可以导出,供其他Digital Rapids解决方案(如MediaMesh内容交付系统)或第三方应用程序进行后续处理. Broadcast Manager 1.5 also features enhanced scheduling precision, the same new user interface style as Transcode Manager 1.5和支持由Digital Rapids的新Flux硬件驱动的编码器.

“Transcode Manager中的新‘商业黑’删除功能将为我们的客户节省大量昂贵的手工工作,同时实现更快的内容重新利用,以获得创收机会," said Darren Gallipeau, Product Manager at Digital Rapids. "Combining this with the new features from our recent 3.2 and 3.3 encoder upgrades, Transcode Manager 1.5增强了它作为最全面的企业级转码解决方案的实力. Meanwhile, the enhancements in Broadcast Manager 1.5进一步加强其复杂的自动化能力,无论是直播流和摄取到文件."

Transcode Manager 1.5 and Broadcast Manager 1.5 will be showcased in booth number 7.G41在IBC 2010展会,9月10日至14日在阿姆斯特丹. For more information about Digital Rapids, please visit

About Digital Rapids Corporation
Digital Rapids为转换和交付媒体提供领先的硬件和软件解决方案, 支持改变观众观看内容方式的多平台体验. Scaling from standalone appliances to global workflows, Digital Rapids解决方案使媒体专业人员能够最大限度地提高他们的生产力, quality, and the value of their content. 获得了令人垂涎的IBC创新奖和四项著名的弗罗斯特奖 & Sullivan honors for encoding and transcoding leadership, Digital Rapids将创新技术与成熟的专业知识相结合,帮助我们的客户扩大受众, increase their media revenues and reduce their costs. Digital Rapids Corporation ( is headquartered in Ontario, Canada with offices in the United States, the UK, Australia, Argentina and Hong Kong.