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MediaPlatform宣布MediaPlatform Autocaster®预制作 & 自动网络直播重播平台

MediaPlatform Autocaster Lets Corporate Video Teams Dramatically Expand Event Output without Additional Headcount or Infrastructure Investments


MediaPlatform今天发布了MediaPlatform Autocaster®, an automated webcasting platform that allows enterprise video production teams to schedule and monitor autoplay events (or ‘autocasts’) that have been preproduced and scheduled to run in advance without requiring producers or engaging control studio equipment.

‘Autocasts’ can include real-time audience engagement tools to collect and reflect feedback from each group of live viewers, and capture per-event analytics including attendance and viewing characteristics. 帮助制片人管理他们扩大的现场活动节目, Autocaster also includes an event monitoring dashboard that enables producers to quickly view and monitor scheduled ‘autocasts’ remotely and around the clock.

MediaPlatform Autocaster® enables enterprises to pre-produce all aspects of webcasts to reduce talent and resource bottlenecks, to reduce live event points of failure and to engage additional audiences by repurposing recorded video as the centerpiece of a dynamic live audience experience. 


扩大视频/网络广播团队:   Autocaster gives producers the power to significantly increase production team output without increasing headcount or buying additional equipment. 团队可以提前生成事件,并安排多个同时发生的事件, 在规定的时间自动播放.  Each ‘autocast’ can be customized with regional (time zones and multi-lingual closed captions) or audience-specific (titles and other metadata) and can be used to support new internal customers – such as Training and Marketing business units.

安排播放很像电视广播自动化, Autocaster lets corporate video production teams pre-schedule the start and playout times of their content for sophisticated around-the-clock programming that doesn’t require manual intervention.  生产商s can keep an eye on the KPIs for any event via consolidated event monitoring for both ‘autocasts’ and Broadcaster live webcast programming.

集中监控现场活动节目: Autocaster为视频制作人提供了一个单一的, consolidated dashboard where they can monitor any number of Autocaster scheduled and autoplay events along with live Broadcaster webcasts.  以这种方式, producers who used to be confined to producing a single live webcast at a time can now launch and monitor dozens of Autocaster autoplay events while producing a live webcast.

预制作计划活动: Autocaster eliminates common live production snafus by allowing event producers to fully produce important events prior to broadcasting them. 当专家和演讲嘉宾有空时,制作人可以给他们录音, 提前制作(或重拍)事件视频并进行编码. 生产商s can ‘dry run’ the complete audience experience – from lobby to event layouts to video delivery – prior to the actual ‘autocast’ while also removing any need for an encoder or other common live event points of failure.

“We developed Autocaster jointly with our Broadcaster customers who needed a way to serve growing demand for around-the-clock live events during a period of post-pandemic economic uncertainty and budgetary restraint,迈克·纽曼说, MediaPlatform首席执行官.  

“Autocaster brings the advantages of broadcast operations automation into the world of live webcasting. It gives corporate video professionals a powerful new platform for preproducing, replaying and monitoring webcasts as part of a pre-set programming lineup that bypasses the bottleneck of needing a live producer or encoder for each live event,纽曼说.

Autocaster joins MediaPlatform’s enterprise video suite which also includes its flagship MediaPlatform Broadcaster® live webcasting platform, MediaPlatform®点播视频内容管理门户, MediaPlatform Edge eCDN and MediaPlatform’s distribution-agnostic Smartpath intelligent video routing technology, and MediaPlatform’s real-time analytics suite including the Event Success Dashboard quality of experience and Video Business Intelligence quality of service offerings.

MediaPlatform的创新不断得到顶级行业分析师的认可. The company was named a Leader in the 2022 Aragon 研究 Globe and a Leader by Gartner 研究 in its Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Video Content Management (EVCM). MediaPlatform also has been named a key provider in several recent reports including the Forrester Tech Tide, the Gartner EVCM Market Guide and Wainhouse 研究’s Enterprise Streaming Solutions and Services Report.


MediaPlatform is a leading enterprise video platform enabling large-scale live streaming and on-demand video that companies use to engage remote employees, empower and motivate workers by giving them the power to rapidly self-educate and share knowledge, 吸引并留住顶尖人才. MediaPlatform gives customers an end-to-end solution and world-class services so they can use their networks for business broadcasts, 整合断开的视频系统, 加快数字化工作场所的转型, 并深入了解他们的视频通信的范围和影响.