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净的洞察力 AB: 净的洞察力 strengthens executive presence in the Americas

Appoints new Executive to lead Resource Scheduling business unit based in the US


净的洞察力, the leading provider in streaming, media transport and resource scheduling, 今天宣布博士. Judy Fick has been appointed Vice President of the Resource Scheduling business unit. This appointment marks the company's strengthened focus on its resource scheduling business segment, as well as an increase in the executive presence in the region.

"We are pleased to announce Dr. Judy Fick as VP of our Resource Scheduling business unit," says Henrik Sund, CEO of 净的洞察力. "She is a global software executive with expertise across different vertical markets including telecom and media. This new position demonstrates our commitment to our resource scheduling product line and the Americas region."

Judy Fick is a Fortune 500 level technology executive and brings more than 20 years of experience from leading global enterprise technology companies such as IBM, 白金软件, 和惠普. Most recently, she held the position as CEO at ESC Consulting. She will be a member of the executive team, and in addition to managing the resource scheduling business unit of 净的洞察力, she will also represent the Americas, a strategic market segment for 净的洞察力's future growth. 

Judy Fick will join 净的洞察力 on August 13, 2018, based in the company's new facilities in Florida, 美国.

This 信息 is 信息 that 净的洞察力 AB is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The 信息 was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, at 08.45 am CEST on August 8, 2018.


净的洞察力's vision is to enable a live and interactive media experience for anyone on earth. Our aim is to lead progress and enable a global media marketplace where live content can be exchanged and interaction among TV audiences can take place in real-time. We want to create the media experience of the future, centered on content.

净的洞察力 delivers products, software and services for effective, high-quality media transport, coupled with the effective management of resources, 所有, which creates an enhanced TV experience. 净的洞察力's offerings span across the entire media spectrum, starting from TV cameras and TV studios, right through to the TV consumers. Our solutions benefit network operators, and TV and production companies, by lowering total cost of ownership, improving their workflow efficiencies and providing them with the ability to capture new business opportunities.

更多的 than 500 world-class customers run mission critical media services using 净的洞察力's solutions, covering more than 60 countries worldwide. 净的洞察力 is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm.