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Sonic Foundry Enhances Webcasting and Video Distribution with Mediasite 6.1和Mediasite桌面录音机

New features mark a more holistic approach to user-generated content with recording at the desktop, 审批工作流, 基于搜索的目录和前所未有的定制


Sonic Foundry公司. (纳斯达克股票代码:SOFO),值得信赖的市场领导者 讲座捕获、企业和 网路广播事件在facebook上发布了几个重要的Mediasite新功能 释放2012这是第六届Mediasite年度用户大会.

The new functionality marks the most holistic and enterprise approach to creating, managing and distributing video-based instruction and user-generated content (UGC).

This evolution of the Mediasite EX webcasting and video content management system (VCMS) provides unprecedented control and flexibility for universities and enterprises with multiple content producers, featuring web-based tools and collaboration workflows to manage their growing online knowledge libraries.

现在从他们的台式电脑或笔记本电脑的便利, Mediasite用户还可以录制富媒体演示, learning object or training modules that synchronize video with their visual aids and automatically upload to the powerful Mediasite EX platform.


  • Web-based Mediasite Desktop Recorder for user-generated content creation

    “Mediasite桌面录音机看起来会更好, be easier for our faculty and students to use and be easier for us to maintain than other software-based options. 而且因为Mediasite Desktop Recorder是一个web客户端, our user-generated content will automatically upload to our Mediasite EX management platform. 这个应用程序非常容易使用, I know even our most tech-challenged staff are going to quickly adopt it.”
  • Collaboration workflows to review-edit-approve multimedia presentations before distributing

    “随着越来越多的教师要求控制自己的内容, and with the University looking at creative ways to allow students to add presentations into our Angel LMS though Mediasite that are true works of academic content, it is important for us to have workflows identified that not only allow us to review, 编辑和批准演示文稿, 但也要随着时间的推移保持多次修订. 另外, we want to be able to give our end users – no matter what their role is at the university – the feedback ability to help us manage content that has become dated. 最后, we have been looking forward to a user-friendly playground to further explore user-generated content for playback both within and outside of our organization, 以及Mediasite 6.1, we can automate and streamline how we publish these presentations through the approval pipeline.  We see this assisting us internally with in the Angel LMS and are excited about the possibilities of how it may also lend itself to our admissions department in the marketing of our university.  

——Thomas Kemp,教学技术总监 & 学习,阿什兰大学

  • 基于搜索词创建目录, enhanced mobile catalog navigation and analytics for individual catalog owners

    “随着我们Mediasite视频库的不断增长, we find that different groups need to present custom playlists of presentations based on specific topics or themes. Allowing anyone in the organization to curate catalogs on the fly from search terms will have a big impact on our ability to customize the experience for different audiences and allow us to maximize our collection of on-demand rich media content.” 

——Scott Lawson, QAD公司IT架构总监.

  • Mediasite Player customization, including the ability to change video, slide and thumbnails sizes

    NASA安全中心使用Mediasite进行技术培训, and occasionally there’s a need to increase the size of the slides being presented to enhance something that’s very detailed on the screen. 定制玩家的能力解决了这个问题. 和, while the Mediasite Player is very streamlined and professional looking, we’re looking forward to being able to customize it to work well with the brand of The NASA Safety Center. “

詹姆斯D ~. 5月,Ph值.D.,电子学习项目经理,Alphaport, Inc.为NASA安全中心提供支持

  • Mediasite管理门户的个性化
  • Content import and management for MP4s generated by NCast™ and Camtasia Relay®, 除了当前的H.264和Windows Media视频导入功能
  • 基于web的Mediasite编辑, automatic software updates and data collection for Mediasite Recorders, plus dozens of workflow enhancements to the Mediasite Management Portal, Mediasite Analytics和Mediasite API

“到目前为止, we engineered Mediasite as a room-based system that efficiently extracts and digitizes the knowledge shared every day, 在教室或会议室. 一旦捕获, 这些知识被保存下来, 担保, 分布和分析, 但总是离任何需要它的人只有一个链接. Mediasite 6.1, our new Mediasite Desktop Recorder and the evolution of our Mediasite EX VCMS, 知识共享现在可以发生在任何地方, 以自动化的方式, 无论技术基础设施或用户的技术技能如何,加里·韦斯说, 索尼克铸造公司的首席执行官. “We took time to understand why current desktop offerings failed to deliver, and we identified key capabilities that we know are required for widespread adoption of user-generated content creation. 通过这个过程, we eliminated much of the complexity that has kept online video from scaling effectively at an enterprise level. With the explosion of e-learning and massively open online courses or MOOCs, our clients are now eager to combine automated room-based recording with the market’s easiest-to-use desktop capture, and thus fulfill the promise of online learning with a proven leader and scalable approach.”

Mediasite 6.1 and the Mediasite Desktop Recorder will be available for demonstration at UBTech booth 301, 6月11 - 13日, 及资讯通讯摊位C9141, 6月13日至15日,拉斯维加斯, 内华达.