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VBrick Unveils Next Generation Enterprise Video Platform at 流媒体 East

Cloud Architecture of VBrick牧师 Delivers Dramatic Performance, Flexibility and Scalability Improvements over Traditional Server-based EVPs


VBrick系统公司. 今天宣布了VBrick牧师的市场首次亮相, 高可用性, fault tolerant and massively scalable enterprise video platform that leverages distributed databases and elastic computing resources to bring the benefits of the cloud to enterprise video communications.

适用于业务用户, VBrick牧师 delivers a new level of reliability and performance for enterprise live webcasting. Its elasticity ensures that system resources can burst as needed so all viewers can access a webcast – even when tens of thousands of users access the system simultaneously. 观众还将享受VBrick牧师的时尚, 现代用户界面, 哪个表现更像流行的消费者视频网站, 提供协作和社交媒体功能, and has a responsive design that re-sizes for smartphone and tablet access.

IT and network teams using VBrick牧师 can deliver video securely and scalably across their organizations while enjoying the same economy, 管理ment ease and flexibility of their other enterprise applications, 像CRM.  VBrick牧师 enables enterprise video to become a predictable, monthly operating expense and frees operational staff from having to deploy, 管理, upgrade and maintain fixed-expense dedicated on-premises hardware systems. 

The platform’s powerful architecture dramatically improves system performance; in measurements of webcast onboarding, VBrick牧师 is six times faster than a server-based system with the same load.  Customers also benefit from high availability and reliability because VBrick牧师, unlike server-based platforms that rely on relational databases, 可以作为多个部署吗, distributed federated nodes that can be geographically dispersed in on premise data centers, 在公共云中, 或者在私有云中.

VBrick牧师 also provides exceptional economy by allowing enterprise customers to use flexible cloud computing resources, and to dynamically allocate those resources to different functions, 而不是去买, 管理和维护专用的预置系统.  VBrick牧师 also enables organizations to leverage their existing investments in wide area network and unified communications systems using a cloud-based, hybrid model where the video 管理ment system is in the cloud and video content is delivered using systems behind-the-firewall.  


VBrick牧师, 哪些将在2014年夏季上市, will support the most widely used enterprise video applications including:

  • Highly scalable live webcasts capable of reaching the laptop or mobile device of thousands or tens of thousands of employees located anywhere;
  • 集中视频接入, 或“企业YouTube”,” providing a destination that enables authorized employees to access live webcasts and video-on-demand via a web browser from any device;
  • Mass audience streaming from unified communications sources, such as a videoconferencing  or Microsoft Lync—to create highly scalable live webcasts via the Enterprise YouTube “channel”;
  • eCDN分布, the backbone that enables video to be scalably delivered across the corporate WAN, whether using a system of dedicated media servers to transrate, 传输和转播实况视频, or a software agent partitioned off an enterprise WAN optimization solution;
  • 集成多屏出版, 利用相同的, cloud-architected 管理ment system in a hybrid model using on-premise publish points to stream live video to screens from corporate lobbies to lunchrooms.

“VBrick two years ago made a major commitment to architect a platform that would be capable of supporting the massive influx of user-generated content from smartphones and other mobile technologies,雪莉·海登说, VBrick首席执行官. “这同样, cloud-based platform will also provide the backbone for our live and on-demand online video platform services next year, enabling VBrick牧师™ customers to use the same platform for internal and external video,”她说。.


VBrick is a leading provider of enterprise video platforms with thousands of customers worldwide. 它的解决方案使组织能够创造, 管理 and distribute rich media 信息 from virtually any source – from tablets, 统一通信客户端或摄像机, to virtually any screen – from desktop to digital signage.  客户使用VBrick实现自动化, integrated live and on-demand video in executive webcasts, 在线培训, 远程学习, 传播与营销. 欲知详情,请浏览