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Venera Technologies announces availability of 类星体, 它的原生云QC服务, 用于Backblaze的 B2云存储

类星体 now supports the QC of content stored on Backblaze的 B2 via Backblaze的 S3 compatible APIs


Venera Technologies announces the availability of its native cloud QC service, 类星体,为广受欢迎 Backblaze的 B2云 Storage using its recently announced S3 compatible API.

类星体, is the first native cloud QC service in the market, with ability to QC media content residing in Backblaze的, AWS, Azure或谷歌云存储. 它的基于使用的定价模式, 动态可扩展性, 高度安全, and extensive QC capabilities is what has set 类星体 apart in the market. 其先进的功能,如QC的 4 k的内容, HDR (杜比愿景), 国际货币基金组织(IMF)包, 哈丁PSE验证 along with advanced video and audio validation features has made it a favorite tool amongst media companies who have already transitioned or are in the process of transitioning to the cloud.

“We are very excited to be able to offer all the great features of our 类星体 QC service to hundreds of thousands of Backblaze的 customers with multi-terabytes of media content residing on the B2云存储, with the ability to validate their content where it resides. We are proud to once again have 类星体 be the first QC tool for a new cloud platform, B2云存储.”,说 维Singhal, Venera Technologies的首席执行官.

"The integration of Backblaze的 B2云 Storage and Venera Technologies 类星体 is great news for media and entertainment customers everywhere. The combination means everyone can use 类星体 Native Cloud File QC tools and store all of their content in Backblaze的's simple, 可靠的, 可负担的云.”,说 Nilay Patel, 销售副总裁, Backblaze的.

“类星体 was initially built on the AWS platform so accessing S3 storage buckets on AWS has been core to our service. With the recent announcement by Backblaze的 of S3 compatible APIs for their popular B2云存储, it is a natural extension for us to make sure 类星体 is available for all the media content owners on Backblaze的’s amazingly affordable cloud storage, who have been looking for ways to perform media related services, 比如QC, 关于他们的内容”,说 Fereidoon Khosravi, SVP of Business Development at Venera Technologies.

基于使用的订阅模式, and world’s first usage-based Ad-hoc pricing, 类星体 is a perfect QC tool for those customers who are taking advantage of the Backblaze的 fast and inexpensive cloud storage to QC their media content on B2云存储. As they repurpose their archived content for monetization, Automated QC becomes very important to ensure the content quality before re-purposing and the final delivery.

As more media companies move their operations to the cloud and as ‘remote media processing’, which began as a necessity due to COVID-19, is becoming more of the way of doing business in the future, the ‘Remote QC’ combination of 类星体 and B2云存储 is an ideal solution that fits this operational need.

您可以通过以下方式与Venera Technologies联系 to arrange for a demonstration of using 类星体 with content on Backblaze的 B2, and get access to 金星的号探测器 FREE evaluation offer.

关于Venera Technologies

Venera Technologies provides cutting-edge file-based QC solutions to the digital media industry, tailored to the evolving requirements of its customer and the industry. 金星的号探测器 类星体™, the first native cloud-based QC solution, was developed natively for the Cloud environment with features such as 动态可扩展性 and usage based pricing model to meet today’s advanced cloud-based digital workflows, 以及先进的QC功能. 和金星的号探测器 脉冲星™ automated file-based QC solution for on-premise deployment, with the same QC functionalities as 类星体, is the world’s fastest File based Automated QC system that is used by some of the largest Media companies in the world, as well as a number of smaller boutique post houses and production companies.