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Venera Technologies announces partnership with KnoxMediaHub for integration of 类星体, 其原生云QC解决方案, 与KnoxMediaHub基于云的MAM & 销售平台

类星体 now supports the seamless QC of content processed and distributed on the KnoxMediaHub platform


Today Venera Technologies announced its partnership with Spain-based KnoxMediaHub (KMH), for the integration of its native cloud QC service, 类星体, with KMH’s popular cloud-based Media Asset Management (MAM) & distribution platform, available to KMH’s customers worldwide by the end of October 2020.

类星体, is the first native cloud QC service in the market, 它的动态可伸缩性, 高度安全, 广泛的质量控制能力, has set it apart in the quality control and content validation market. Its advanced features like QC of 4K content, HDR(杜比视界), 国际货币基金组织(IMF)包, Harding PSE validation along with advanced video and audio validation features has made it a favorite tool amongst media companies worldwide.

KMH广泛的MAM & distribution platform features a wide range of functionalities related to the ingestion and cataloging of assets, 它们的转换和编码, and preview/screening and delivery to clients. KMH runs encoding and transcoding from and to any format without limitations and with no delays, as it processes all tasks in parallel in the Cloud.

“We are very excited to be able to offer all the great features of our 类星体 QC service to KMH’s worldwide customers with the ability to validate their content seamlessly right on the KMH platform and as part of their normal workflow.”, said Fereidoon Khosravi, SVP of Business Development at Venera Technologies.

“KMH content processing and delivery are the most powerful in the global market, enabling an unprecedented level of QoS for Clients. We support the operations of multiple global media companies who have clients in the 5 continents. Inclusion of 类星体 in our workflow now ensures the highest level of quality control as a seamless part of our system, providing our global customers the ease of mind about the quality of their content being stored or delivered.”, said Santiago Miralles, CEO of KnoxMediaHub.

As more media content companies move their content to the cloud, they look for and rely on intuitive and feature-rich MAM as well as digital delivery capabilities, 例如KMH提供的服务. And now with seamless integration of 类星体 with KMH, those customers can be assured of delivering verified high-quality content, 以他们想要的任何格式. The whole system can be run from anywhere in the world with just a browser. Clients have a wealth of data on all operations reported both in real-time and in periodic reports.

您可以通过以下方式与Venera Technologies联系 或KnoxMediaHub网址 to arrange for a demonstration of KMH platform and its integration with 类星体.

关于Venera Technologies

Venera Technologies provides cutting-edge file-based QC solutions to the digital media industry, tailored to the evolving requirements of its customer and the industry. 金星的号探测器 类星体™, 首个本地基于云的QC解决方案, was developed natively for the Cloud environment with features such as dynamic scalability and usage based pricing model to meet today’s advanced cloud-based digital workflows, 以及先进的QC功能. 和金星的号探测器 脉冲星™ automated file-based QC solution for on-premise deployment, with the same QC functionalities as 类星体, is the world’s fastest File based Automated QC system that is used by some of the largest Media companies in the world, as well as a number of smaller boutique post houses and production companies.


KnoxMediaHub was founded in 2013 by professionals with 20+ years experience in Broadcast and Digital Media, who are Connoisseurs of the usual bottlenecks and hurdles in day-to-day Media operations and whose Mission is to provide a new technology foundation that enables Media & 娱乐公司变得更精简, 更简单,更高效, 无人综合作战, and to relieve them from devoting financial resources to CAPEX while also decreasing their OPEX. 这个新的技术基础就是云, 而KnoxMediaHub则量身定制了它的好处, 技术和财务, M的需求和价值观&电子行业.